Welcome to Jeffery Bennett Photography!

Welcome to my experiment of photography and web design.

Please enjoy my photography..

My Work

Quisque volutpat condimentum velit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.


Nam nec ante. Sed lacinia, urna non tincidunt mattis, tortor neque adipiscing diam, a cursus ipsum ante quis turpis. Nulla facilisi ut fringilla.

Currently have no awards other than the ones the jesus offers

1 Awards

Building this website with WordPress has been the culmination of several attempts over the years.
What an exciting day to finally have an idea as to what I am supposed to be di=oing.

my family of photographers

The team

What a great team. I have been interested in Photography since I was in high school and it has been my pleasure to share that interest with my children.

They both are great photographers in their own right and it is always difficult to recover my camera once I let them use it.

jeffery bennett


jeffery bennett


jessica bennett


Challenges and adventures

Life of Ideas

What is the best way to attack your challenges and start your adventures, one step at a time.

Start your adventure and start perusing your dreams today.

Take that first step, even if it is a small one.

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From the Blog

Nulla facilisi. Ut fringilla. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc feugiat mi a tellus consequat imperdiet. Vestibulum sapien. Proin quam. Etiam ultrices. Suspendisse in justo eu magna luctus suscipit. Sed lectus. Integer euismod lacus luctus magna.